Driscoll Surname Results - 1901 Census of Canada

The source for the 1901 census results for "Driscoll" variants is the automated genalogy.com site. When using the information, please keep in mind the restrictions of the copyright as listed under each section of information. THIS MATERIAL IS FOR PERSONAL USE ONLY. To the best of my ability, records were recorded exactly as they were on the census forms, errors and all. Once in your province of choice, by clicking on the name of the person of interest, you will be taken to a page showing the record of the household for that person. The Driscoll name may show up as the main household name or as that of a lodger, servant or other category. On the family records themselves, occasionally there are notes identifying obvious errors. I hope this information provides some assistance in your research efforts.

PLEASE NOTE: Newfoundland was not part of Canada in 1901, therefore does not show up in these records.

British Columbia Manitoba New Brunswick
Nova Scotia Ontario Prince Edward Island
Quebec The Territories (Alberta, Assiniboia (East), Assinboia (West), Saskatchewan, Unorganized Territories)